Communiqué de presse

Tunisia Taps into Young Potential

10 décembre 2024

  • Tunisia, like many nations, recognizes the immense potential of its young population. Empowering this generation through employment opportunities and skills development is crucial for the country's future. This focus on youth has led to a collaborative effort between the Tunisian government, the private sector, and international organizations like the UN to create an ecosystem that fosters job creation and economic growth. 
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The UN Resident Coordinator (RC) in Tunisia, Arnaud Peral, highlights the importance of this collaborative approach. "We have created, at the request of the government, a multi-partner trust fund specifically for youth employment," he explains. A multi-partner trust fund pools resources from various governments and organizations to support a common goal, like youth employment in Tunisia.  

This fund goes beyond simply gathering financial resources; it's a platform for collaboration. "It brings together key partners like the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, and the African Development Bank," says RC Peral. "The Netherlands have already contributed €10 million, with Canada and Italy showing interest too." This collaborative approach ensures international support aligns with Tunisia's national strategies, such as its Youth Strategy and sector-specific initiatives. Ultimately, the fund helps accelerate progress and make public policies more efficient by fostering strong partnerships.  

RC Peral shares examples of how this collaborative model is already making a difference, such as the fund's targeted support for young entrepreneurs, which includes connecting them with mentors, training programmes, and market opportunities. "We've facilitated a partnership between the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to boost agribusiness in six territories,” he explains. This programme, benefiting over 2,000 young people, will create a digital marketplace where emerging agribusinesses can connect with a wider market and promote and sell their products.  

He also points to another programme, ‘Creative Tunisia’, which empowers young artists by providing them with digital platforms to showcase their talents and reach a global audience. "Implemented in collaboration with UNIDO, Creative Tunisia has established centres across the country to support young creators,” RC Peral explained.  These centres provide access to digital platforms, expanding the reach of their creations and connecting them with international markets.   

Digital inclusion, access for all 

Digitalization is a crucial tool for unlocking opportunities for young people. "Tunisia, with its high rate of technology adoption, is well-positioned to leverage the power of the digital revolution," he notes. However, he cautions that this transformation must be inclusive, ensuring that all young people, regardless of their background or location, can benefit from these advancements. In this regard, the UN is committed to bridging the digital divide and ensuring that young people have the skills and access they need to thrive in the digital economy. 

By embracing innovation, inclusivity, and collaboration, Tunisia is working to empower its young generation to build a brighter future for themselves and the nation. 


Arnaud Peral

Arnaud Peral

Coordonateur résident
Nommé Coordonnateur résident en Tunisie en septembre 2020, M. Peral apporte à ses nouvelles fonctions plus de 20 années d'expérience dans le développement durable, la gouvernance démocratique, l'égalité de genre, la prévention et la gestion des crises, la réduction des conflits et la consolidation de la paix. Au sein des Nations Unies, il a récemment occupé le poste de Coordonnateur résident des Nations Unies en Équateur après avoir occupé plusieurs postes de direction au sein du Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD), notamment ceux de Directeur de pays en Colombie, Représentant résident adjoint au Brésil et au Mexique, Chef de cabinet au sein du Bureau régional du PNUD pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes à New York et Chargé de programme du PNUD à Cuba.

Avant de rejoindre les Nations Unies, M. Peral a occupé des postes de direction au sein du gouvernement français, notamment ceux de Conseiller de coopération pour la coopération scientifique et technique du ministère des affaires étrangères à l'ambassade de France à Cuba, Assistant de recherche au ministère de l'environnement en France, et Assistant de recherche en politiques publiques du ministère de l'agriculture au Chili.

M. Peral est titulaire d'un master en économie du développement de l'Université Paris X à Nanterre, France et d'une licence en politique économique de l'Université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble, France.

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